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Nov 20, 2016

MiniM CommandLine Tools

MiniM CommandLine Tools is a set of console utilities, which call the MiniM Database Server for command executing, export and import routines, and routine compilation. Utilities runs on the client computer, but call data on the server. This set of utilities made for Windows, Linux, FreeBSD and MacOSX.


mnmdbexec.exe "w $zv,!"
MiniM for Windows x64 1.15 release build

mnmdbkill.exe add*.int
Kill routine [ Yes | No | All | Stop ] : y
Routine removed.
Routine addrou.obj removed.

mnmdbri.exe *.int

The main purpose of MiniM CommandLine Tools is integrating of MiniM Database Server with version control systems, such as cvs, svn, git, or other.

Administration and debelopment tools has different purposes:

  • Administrators need to transfer entire routine set by one file, but developers works with separate routines.
  • For administrators is not important that files have additional content which does not write developers, but for developers it is very important for merging changes by version control system.
  • Typical job for administrators is import and recompilation of entire routine set and time of this may be anyone, but developers need to export and import only changed routines, and time of this need to be small.

Considering these requirements, mnmdbroFMT and mnmdbriFMT utilities are oriented to administrators and utilities mnmdbro and mnmdbru are oriented to developers.

Typical administration operation is import or export entire set of routines and full recompilation. And typical debeloper's operations are changing only small subset of routines (one or several routines), and for this changes need to be applyed version control system.

All version control systems works with files in file system and operates with file content, change timestamp and file name. So, need to be implemented routine synchronization with files in file system without additional automatic-added file content.

Typical debeloper's job scenario can be the following:

  • Developer updates files from version control system's repository in the work directory and execute synchronization with routines in the database on the server using mnmdbri utility.
  • Developer edits, compiles, executes and tests application.
  • Next changed routines need to be exported to file system using mnmdbro utility.
  • For blocking version control systems need to be applyed operation 'check in'.
  • For non-blocking version control systems need to be applyed 'update' operation with resolving merge conflicts (if they are present) and following 'commit' operation.

Working with version control system allows to developers use different MiniM Database Server instances for each of developers and make changes, compilation and testing routine set independently of each other, with using version control system merging rules.

At the same time, mnmdbroFMT utilities allows to get full installable routine set for administrators.

Documentation for MiniM CommandLine Tools in pdf: ENG | RUS

Download MiniM CommandLine Tools:

minimct for Win32

minimct for Linux i386

minimct for Linux x86-64

minimct for Linux ARM

minimct for Linux ARM64

minimct for FreeBSD i386

minimct for FreeBSD x86-64

minimct for MacOSX

Eugene Karataev

Copyright (C) Eugene Karataev
Info Support