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Additional Tools | Nov 19, 2016 Cache Tools Download Cache Tools Uninstallation To uninstall Cache Tools on the Windows, run Control Panel application and select installed applications to remove. Find in list of installed applications Cache Tools and run Uninstaller. Before uninstalling Cache Tools Uninstaller confirms removing. Shortcut to Cache Tools Uninstaller also present in main Programs menu of Windows in Cache Tools menu group. Uninstaller removes selected instance of Cache Tools from the computer, but does not remove any routines imported into used InterSystems Cache instances. This routines you must remove manually. To uninstall Cache Tools on Linux, run installer with the -u option: sudo ./setup-cachetools_1.25_linux-i386 -u Uninstaller confirm removing and asks directory from where Cache Tools must be removed. Cache Tools 1.25 Installer. Copyright (C) Eugene Karataev Switched to uninstall mode. Enter installation directory or press Enter to use default /var/usr/cachetools : Processing binary files... Processing desktop files... Uninstallation of Cache Tools 1.25 complete. Uninstaller removes selected instance of Cache Tools from the computer, but does not remove any routines imported into used InterSystems Cache instances. This routines you must remove manually. To uninstall Cache Tools on MacOSX, run installer with the -u option: sudo ./setup-cachetools_1.25_darwin-i386 -u Uninstaller confirm removing and asks directory from where Cache Tools must be removed. Cache Tools 1.25 Installer. Copyright (C) Eugene Karataev Switched to uninstall mode. Enter installation directory or press Enter to use default /var/usr/cachetools : Processing binary files... Uninstallation of Cache Tools 1.25 complete. Uninstaller removes selected instance of Cache Tools from the computer, but does not remove any routines imported into used InterSystems Cache instances. This routines you must remove manually. To disable server-side daemon of Cache Tools, stop it by running USER>d stop^%zsrv Note that routine %zsrv serves connections from different computers, so before removing you must know what client computers still use Cache Tools TCP/IP daemon. If running of daemon was inserted into the %ZSTART routine, remove this code. After this routine \%zsrv can be removed from InterSystems Cache including OBJ code. Download Cache ToolsEugene Karataev
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