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Additional Tools | Nov 19, 2016 Cache Tools Download Cache Tools Tools Cache Routine Editor and Cache Global Editor uses connection definition. It is set of data - TCP/IP address or TCP/IP host name of the InterSystems Cache server, TCP/IP port used by Cache Tools daemon, Cache namespace where must be run server-side job for this connection and, optional, character encoding on the server. Cache Tools offer to select or edit or define new connection definition. Versions for different operating systems can vary. Cache Tools Connections for Windows One connection must have name, unique inside of all defined connections. Consult with system administrator what TCP/IP address or TCP/IP host name is used by need Cache server to connect to. Edit Connection for Windows Most important data what need to be know there is default value of TCP/IP port used by Cache Tools daemon. It is number 5001. This value can be changed on the server and you must know real value. Cache Tools Connections for Linux Be careful with definition of character encoding. This is main rule how Cache Routine Editor or Cache Global Editor must decode and encode data sent from Cache and to Cache. Some global records, lines in routines or localised strings in compiler or error messages are required this rule to show characters correctly. If you use character encoding other than used on the server, you will see it. Reconnect running Cache Tools and edit connection definition again, choose right character encoding. Edit Connection for Linux All defined connection definitions are stored in Windows Registry or in secial subdirectories in depending of rules of client operating system. Both applications of Cache Tools are used the same list of connection definitions. Cache Tools Connections for MacOSX Edit Connection for MacOSX Cache Tools applications automatically detect what authorization algorithm is used by selected InterSystems Cache instance and offer to enter user login and password if this need. This window can vary in depending of used operating system. Login for Windows Login for Linux Login for MacOSX In most cases default InterSystems Cache installations use default user with
login Cache Global Editor shows global tree as a tree. Select in top of the window available global name and namespace name. Or enter name of global (optional indices are possible) and press Enter. Cache Global Editor for Windows Select need global node and editor in the bottom of window show the value of this global record if this record exists. Data of global record can be viewed and edited as simple string in MUMPS notation or as a list with $listbuild structure. Cache Global Editor for Linux At the right of data editor are two buttons - to write new value of this global record to database and to kill this global record. Cache Global Editor for MacOSX Some global records Cache Global Editor show as thee dots (...) or in short form. See current Global Editor settings to change this values. Cache Global Editor Settings for Windows This settings are used by Cache Global Editor to prevent big time to fetch millions unneed record names. Limitation for string length is used to prevent showing large unneed extra characters in tree. Data editor, of course, shows full global record as is. To show data of global records correctly, combine character encoding and font. Cache Global Editor can edit glpobal records in MUMPS notation including operators and builtin or user-defined functions and system variables. For example, if you enter as global value string as $Hand write this data, global record will get the value of currently evaluated $H. If you need enter symbols $H, write "$H" Of course, you can edit embedded $list structures too. Cache Routine Editor can load for editing, edit, save and compile routines on the InterSystems Cache server. Cache Routine Editor for Windows Cache Routine Editor can look different in depending of version and operating system. Cache Routine Editor for Linux Cache Routine Editor can search text in currently opened routine as such as in routines in the database. Search can use simple text and regular expressions. Regular expressions are very usable to find, for example text with any character inside, text only after beginning of line, etc. Cache Routine Editor for MacOSX Cache Routine Editor can import and export from currently connected InterSystems Cache namespace globals and routines. Both export and import are use local filesystem, not a server. Routines and globals are transferred to and from the server by small parts, so import and export of big number of data can be long. In most cases export and import of several routines are not so long. Be careful while define export and import - Cache Routine Editor support several formats, use really needed. Cache Routine Editor uses colored syntax highlighting and detects the type of routine edited - intermediate code (INT routines) or macro code (MAC or INC routines). Syntax highlightning was developed using one of last Intersystems Cache version, but it can be not least. From time to time InterSystems adds some builtin system functions or system variables, so syntax highlightning must be corrected to be right for new Cache version. Write to support of Cache Routine Editor at support@minimdb.comand describe your needs and point to Intersystems Cache documentation of new language elements. Cache Routine Editor Options for Windows Cache Routine Editor Options for Windows Bottom of Cache Routine Editor window contains lists with results of translation of routines and with search results. If you see incorrect characters, you need to combine character encoding (setting of connection) and font. Cache Routine Editor Options for Linux Cache Routine Editor Options for MacOSX All settings of Cache Routine Editor are stored in depending of operating system - in Windows Registry or in special settings files in home user directory. See next part, uninstalling Cache Tools Download Cache ToolsEugene Karataev
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