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MiniM Overview

Getting Started




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MiniM Getting Started Guide

Installation on Windows
Installation on Linux / FreeBSD
Installation on Mac OSX
Routine Editor, Global Editor and Control Center
How to Create and Compile a Routine
Hello, World!
Running a Routine
Debugging a Routine
How to Export and Import Routines
Development and Deploying of Matrix

Installation on Mac OSX

By default, 64 bit Mac OSX supports running of 32 bit software, so here you does not requires any additional preparation of operating system or in any other settings on you Mac. Some part of MiniM software was built as 32 bit software and GUI Client tools are 32 bit software and can be run on any Mac on Intel processors.

Run Web browser and point to download page on this site. Select Mac OSX version you did selected (32 or 64 bit) and download by link. Mac OSX software downloads by default in depend of the browser you are using. For example, browser Safari uses directory


Most of used browsers allow to select target directory to download to.

After downloading run console terminal and change current directory to directory where you downloaded installer. And in terminal change executable rights of this file:

cd ~/Downloads
chmod +x setup-minim_1.23_darwin-x64

In depents of Mac OSX version this may bee looks like this:

After this installer can be executed. Run it under sudo:

bash-3.2$ sudo ./setup-minim_1.23_darwin-x64 
MiniM Database Server 1.23 Installer.
Copyright (C) 2020 Eugene Karataev
Installer is switched to install mode.
Select new installation or one of available to upgrade:
 +) New MiniM instance
 -) Cancel installation
Enter your choice: 

And follow the instructions and questions he will ask. In depends of Mac OSX and MiniM installer version this may be looks like this:

Enter here "+" and press Enter to install new MiniM instance, enter "-" and press Enter to exit installer or enter number of MiniM instance to upgrade (enter "0" or "1" and press Enter).

If installer points to upgrade, it takes all information need for installation from this instance, otherwise, for new instance, will continue to ask need information.

After selecting install new MiniM instance installer need to know the name of this new instance:

Enter your choice: +
Enter new MiniM instance name: 

This name must bew unique inside of all available MiniM instances on this computer and must begin from the letter. This nmae will be used by MiniM instances to distinquish all internal shared memory objects. All MiniM instances can work independently from each other, so they does not intersects by memory.

MiniM installer uses this instance name to create default directory name to offer to install MiniM to, but asks confirmation. Here simply press enter if this default name is acceptable or enter other. Check your internal rules and conventions for software installation.

Enter your choice: +
Enter new MiniM instance name: MINIM32
Enter installation directory or press Enter
to use default /var/usr/minim/minim32 : 

After this installer checks existing of this directory and, if it exists, asks confirmation to continue installation.

At the next install step installer asks collation of characters. MiniM does not use UNICODE encoding of symbols so MiniM server must know what need to do with symbols greater than 127 - how to collate them inside of indices and how translate to upper and lower case.

Processing database collation files...

Enter key of database collation:
  A) Afrikaans, South Africa
  B) Albanian, Albania
  C) Arabic, Algeria
  D) Arabic, Bahrain
  P) Arabic, Tunisia
  Q) Arabic, U.A.E.
  R) Arabic, Yemen
  S) Armenian, Republic of Armenia
  T) Azeri (Latin), Azerbaijan
Enter choice or empty to cancel or '+' to next or '-' to prior page:

Enter here letter of list item (A - T) and press Enter or enter "+" or "-" to show next or prior page with list of collations.

Installer offers to use one of known collations, and later this collation can be changed or may be created new custom character collation by using MiniM Collation Editor. It is special file with collation definition and after creation can be specified for this MiniM instance. If this new created collation definition is usable and you decide need to be included into next MiniM version, send your collation file with short description to

To illustrate collation selection I selected codepage CP1251 (it is used by default in Windows for Cyrillic):

Enter choice or empty to cancel or '+' to next or '-' to prior page: h
Collation selected: Russian, Russia (CP1251)
Collation can be changed later as Locale name in minim.ini
or in MiniM Control Center.
Processing binary files...
Run builtin MiniM Telnet Server [ Y / N]?

At the next step installer asks about running builtin telnet server. This is question not about internal Mac OSX telnet server, it is internal MiniM part to accept incomint telnet connections to this new MiniM instance. If you select Y and press Enter, MiniM will start this internal server and you will be able to connect to MiniM throught telnet clients.

After selecting Yes installer asks about the number of the TCP/IP port need to be used for this incoming connection:

Run builtin MiniM Telnet Server [ Y / N]? y
Enter telnet port number to be used:

Enter here the number of TCP/IP port and press enter. Default telnet software uses port of 23. But, unlike of Windows systems, UNIX-based systems have own conventions about using TCP/IP ports by third-party software. Here can be recommended to specify the number of port greater outside of port numbers used by Mac OSX, greater than 1024. This port number must be unique inside of all software running on this computer including other MiniM instances. Connection to this port will be accepted by this MiniM instance only, and other ports means telnet connections to the other MiniM instances.

After this step installer contunie installation, process internal files, run server, imports system routines, examples how to call MiniM fom other execution environment, process files for MiniM WEB Access and asks about language of offline documentation:

Processing binary files...
Run builtin MiniM Telnet Server [ Y / N]? y
Enter telnet port number to be used: 2325
Processing data files...
MiniM Database Server for MINIM32 is started.
Importing system routines...
import %BACKUP
import %CONX364
import %DB
import %DBCLEAN
import %DBCRC
import %RSEL
import %SHUTDOWN
import %srv
import %TNTX364
MiniM server.
MiniM server ^%srv is running.
Processing example's files...
Processing MiniM Web Access files...
Processing desktop files...
Languages of documentation are available:
 1) ENG (default)
 2) RUS
Enter your choice:

If no any choice will be entered, installer installs default localization. In depending of the MiniM version, this list can contain also other languages. Now MiniM offers only two localizations - in Russian and in English, and both variants has identical content.

After this step installer continue installation and updates menu items to run utilities for this MiniM instance:

Updating installed MiniM instance names...
MiniM instance MINIM32 installation done.
To uninstall MiniM Database Server 1.20
run this installer again with the -u option.

In depending of MiniM version, installation steps can be different from described here and can contain additional steps.

By default, MiniM installer installs internal GUI tools to use port 5000 for incoming TCP connections. All connection settings of GUI tools must use this port number or this port number must be changed. See special article about How to change MiniM Server Connect port. This port cannot be telnet port, becouse MiniM Server Connect use other protocol over TCP/IP.

After installation this MiniM instance stay in ready-to-use and running state.

Run Finder in your Mac and point him to installed Applications list. There must be MiniM Launcher for new installed MiniM instance. In depends of Mac OSX and MiniM version this may looks like this:

MiniM Launcher show current running state of this MiniM instance (different MiniM instances can be runned and stopped independently), can run GUI tools and offline documentation of this MiniM version. In depends of Mac OSX and MiniM version this may looks like this:

MiniM Console is a terminal application work in character mode:

In most cases old-school style of working with MUMPS software is working in consoles like this or in remotedly connected telnet clients.

MiniM Routine Editor for Mac OSX is the same Routine Editor like is used in any other MiniM versions for other operating systems:

and can edit routines with syntax highlightning, compilation, debugging, export and import and searching by routines on the server. This Routine Editor, as such as other MiniM GUI tools, can connect to any running MiniM server, including which are running on other computer.

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Copyright (C) Eugene Karataev
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